The New Year is here, and it’s time for a fresh start. You may have already reflected on 2017, and asked yourself what you could have done better. Maybe you didn’t eat as healthy as you’d liked to. Or maybe you could have spent more time with your grandchildren. The list may go on and on.

Here you are in 2018, and you’ve promised yourself that this will be your best year yet. If this is you, start by making a New Year’s resolutions list.

Here are a few suggestions that you may want to add to your list:

Exercise daily for 10 minutes
If you’d like to age healthy, then you need to stay physically active. If you’re not already physically active, start by setting aside 10 minutes every day. According to the Harvard Health Publications, committing to just 10 minutes of physical activity daily, will eventually lead to an exercising habit. Over a longer period of time, you will also gradually increase your daily workout time.

Restore a long-lost friendship
No one said that maintaining a friendship would be easy. That’s why this New Year’s resolution always makes its way to the top of everyone’s list. If you have an old friendship that you’d like to revive, 2018 is the perfect year to make it happen. Get in touch with a long-lost friend, someone you haven’t heard from in years. Simply give him or her a phone call, or see if you can reach out via Facebook.

Challenge your brain
Not only is physical activity important, but so is mental activity. Let your brain change in a positive way, and help it get stronger. Sharpen your cognitive skills by challenging your brain as often as possible. Try putting your mind in overdrive by playing games that will require additional cognitive effort to play. A good way to keep your brain in good shape is by learning a new language.

Become more conscious about your overall health
Maybe you put your health on the back burner in 2017. Keeping up with your health should always be on the top of your resolutions list. At the minimum, schedule your annual doctor’s visits. Listen carefully for any advice that your doctor gives you on maintaining your health. Can’t resist having that chocolate cake or ice cream every day?. Your doctor may advise you to limit your dessert menu. Be ready to hear this painful advice that will lead to a healthier you.

Find a place to volunteer
Giving back to the community is a great way to start any New Year. Not only does giving back make you feel accomplished, but it also benefits your health. Volunteering can provide a sense of accomplishment, and bring more life-fulfillment. Also, volunteering at an organization will connect you with like-minded people–which is great for your mental well-being.

Start the New Year off right. Don’t let 2018 be a duplicate of 2017. Having a successful 2018 could be as simple as cutting back on the sweets, spending more time with grandchildren, or being more physically active. Let this year be the most successful year yet. Here’s to 2018!