How to Begin Your Outdoor Garden

How to Begin Your Outdoor Garden

How to Begin Your Outdoor Garden Maintaining a garden can be a great way to incorporate more time outside as a member of the 55+ community, and to keep yourself busy with a fun and rewarding hobby. Watching your plants grow and flourish will give you a sense of pride...
Three Ways to Keep From Being Scammed

Three Ways to Keep From Being Scammed

Unfortunately, scammers are proliferating in today’s world. They like to target folks in their 50s and older. Scammers are specifically looking to target older Americans, thinking that they are easy targets. It’s important to protect yourself by being cautious and...
How To Reduce Stress During the Holidays

How To Reduce Stress During the Holidays

There is a lot to look forward to with the holiday season around the corner.  This is the time of the year when families spend time together, and maybe even go on a winter vacation. Although the holiday season is a cheerful time of the year, it can also feel like a...